Parents of Teenagers: Getting through the hard conversations

When I talk to teenagers what I hear so often is that they do not want to wreck the perception that their parents have of them of being "perfect."  What is this "perfect" that they're talking about? And how do we make it okay for them to embrace their imperfect selves and step into those conversations with us?

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13 Reasons Why - Conversations around suicide that matter

What I have found is this: nobody wants to die for forever.  Most people are seeking relief from their pain, their stress, their overwhelming anguish.  Most people would actually prefer to die for a few weeks, if that kind of thing were a possibility.  13 Reasons Why explores themes of suicide- this article explores how 13 Reasons Why does at diving into this important topic.

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Flex Your Creativity

What can you do to flex your creativity muscle?  Ambition, curiosity, and an openness to outcome are all beautiful side effects that may come when you use your creativity in your daily life. 

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